Yesterday I received an email from a friend that encouraged boycotting the new Mel Gibson movie based on his past transgressions; specifically his antisemitic remarks made following his arrest for drunk driving. The email closed with the statement that Mel Gibson had never apologized for his statements and had shown no remorse for his behavior.
When I receive an email like this one-- cookie cutter diatribe sent to mass lists in people's address books-- I have two tiny characters appear on my shoulders. The Angel on the right whispers in my ear to hit Delete and go back to watching funny puppy videos on YouTube. The tiny red devil on my left jabs me in the eye with his pitchfork until I am compelled to GOOGLE for information that refutes the statement I was sent.
Which I did-and then that same little red devil put the pitchfork into my ear and twisted it inside my brain until I was forced to hit REPLY ALL and to send what I think was the entire congregation of The North Jersey Temple an email with links to Mel's apology in the New York Times.
This is a little like walking into a lion's den holding an entree from Outback Steak House. As possibly the lone Goy, I didn't just stir the pot-I threw the contents in a blender and hit Puree.
Bottom line for me is this:
Hate plus Hate plus Hate equals more Hate.
Hate plus Forgiveness = Love--which is the foundation for ALL religions.
Braveheart = one of my favorite movies evah. Even though I usually do not like movies where people die in the end. There's just something about the way he screams out FREEDOM as he is being deboweled that makes it ok for me.
I'll see a movie for the story it tells. I won't NOT see a movie because someone tells me that I shouldn't for political reasons. Actually, all of this is moot because I won't pay $45 for a babysitter for three hours, $25 for tickets, and $20 for popcorn when I can just wait the three or four months and rent the dern thing and fall asleep in the middle of it in the comfort of my own home.
What can I say? Heck, I am still watching Seinfeld reruns so I guess that's how I roll.