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Yes--that is exactly what you think it is. A MATH PROBLEM IN MY SHOWER.
Obviously placed there by the sadistic hotel decorating staff so that when I was done lamenting the loss of my youth I could realize my brain had also taken a powder. Apparently I have taken a detour to Hell and this is the typical restroom there. The only thing missing would be a Glade Puff Air Freshener shooting gardenia into the air every 5 seconds.
For those of you who still have brain cells that you didn't kill off in college--here is the problem:
If a truck is 100 feet long and is going 100 feet per minute and has to cross a bridge 100 feet in length...how long will it take to cross the bridge?
First person to answer correctly wins an original SMARTY PANTS mug.
That mirror is kind of like the close up photo of my face my daughter just took. Yikes.
I think the answer is...
1 minute
Wouldn't it be two minutes? In one minute the cab would be across, but the back of the truck would just be getting to the bridge.
Oh, and tell Kip hello. We survived Spaeth together oh those many years ago.
I'm guessing one minute, but math was never my stwong smoot.
Good Job Jean,
I got it too. Must be the carpenters in us.
Miss those days of "looking busy" at Spaeth.
Nice to see your name.
I was going to try to answer but my head just exploded...thanks see what happens when I try to take part in Math games
I say two minutes after I completed a very complicated drawing on a napkin I dug out of the trash- if I'm second, can I have a 'always a bridesmaid' mug?
The only 'problem' I want from a hotel is that room service is a little slow!! Those mirrors should be shot off into space....
WTF? They install a magnifying mirror AND they want you to think in the shower? Honey, those people are savages, I don't care how nice the bottled water is ...
why is that trucker going so slow? What kind of bridge is it? Is it a narrow bridge? AM I STUCK BEHIND HIM? Because if so, I'm going to be SUPER PISSED. Because did you know, if you're going 65miles/hr you're moving at 85ft per second? Or something like that. I don't really listen when my husband lectures me about my driving.
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