In the early 90s my friends organized an intervention regarding my continued use of shoulder pads. I felt they made my bottom half look smaller; they convinced me that Chrystal Carrington had called and wanted her suits back.
Apparently a bit of the same thing is going on in regard to this Very Fine Blog Design here. As you know, rex at is running a giveaway for free blog design. Many of you awesomely supported my quest to win by leaving a comment on her site. But the capper is that she recently left a comment here saying that after she visited, she also hopes I win. And here's the thing: I AM UP AGAINST A BLOGGER WITH CANCER.
That's bad. That's "You're Out" spoken by a model with a German accent bad.
So fine. I am willing to change. Even if I don't win the free giveaway,I am willing to take some of what is currently under the mattress and redesign this blog. So channel your Jonathan Adler, your Ty Pennington, your Doctor 90210.
1. Shall I re-name this bog? We are thinking What are your thoughts?
2. What are some of your favorites in terms of blog design and why?
3. What else have you not told me you secretly don't like?
OK; so start the liposuction sucker tubes and lets get rolling. Please just make sure I can still move my forehead when you are done.
Don't change the name don't change the name I love the name!
if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
OK, I got the answer to 2:
(a) There should be background music, running in a loop. I recommend this track.
(b) You should have an impossible-to-miss, tiled background image, and it should be animated. Maybe this one.
(c) There should be an explosion sound every time the mouse rolls over a link.
You're welcome.
-Steve B.
I'm still laughing from Steve B.'s suggestions!
PUHLEEZE don't change your name!!
Anything else is negotiable... but I found ya and loved ya just the way ya is..
If you've got a hankerin' to change, I say go for it! I've been contemplating the same thing over at Smartini, but with five other girls in the mix I can't just go changing things willy nilly! Maybe soon, maybe soon...
I would think your header needs to be a little more prominent and the background of your sidebar the same color as the background of the main.
Keep ONIB!
Love the name... I'd keep it!
hello honey child ... heres the poop - do want you want but I expressly forbid the flash dance sound track thingo from steve ... no no no and no in case you missed that.
I think you are more I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR (spelt that raw at first ... dearie me)
The name - well I love the name - got me hooked first time . if there was another name for you it is my in my head name for you - mud goddess ..
If I was to add anything it would be your labels down the side so we can find old posts easier ...
It would be fun to see you new creations down the side bar too - you need three columns for this really ....
have fun :) le coming to you from Ayr
I think we should put your head on SP's flag bikini with the firearm, and name it Read it or I'll Shoot...just kidding.....
i love your blog- its like my blanket! also love mudchick though and you are that for sure..
we're alot of help aren't we??
I have created a little something for your new site design, Lorrie dear. If you will kindly flip over to my modest blog you can take a look. I won't be offended if you don't like it, though. I am used to rejection.
Focus on content, not appearances. If you have something interesting to say or a creative way of saying it, the look won't matter.
Exception: The look does matter if you go with Steve B's ideas. Your followers would have grounds to file assault charges.
Yeah, keep the name.
But maybe you could use a bigger font because when I looked at the title, I saw PALIN, not PLAIN and I thought it was going to be a lesson on how to pronounce the letter G.
I love you just the way you are..
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