Which explains why sometimes they pooped cerulean blue.
This past weekend we went to the HOWL festival in the East Village.
HOWL is a crazy wackadoo art festival with huge murals created in front of your eyes by New York City artists, bands, puppet shows, and the occasional cross dresser. Very fun for The Spawn, very fun for Sexyhusbandomine and me, ( if we can ignore being asked "Mommy, why is that man wearing a bra?" the 1500th time it is asked. )
At HOWL I found what I think is one of the Coolest Things Evah. For $20, you can purchase a six by six canvas from The Six By Six Gallery. After you return your finished artwork, you get a one month gallery exhibition (complete with hoity toity wine and cheese Friday night opening), a 3 month on-line gallery exhibition, and an unprecedented 80/20 split of the sale (you name your price.)
HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!? Mommy can BUY you an art career! Which of course, I did. And I could not wait to see what the Spawn did with their canvases. Banana was called away to help Scooby Doo solve an urgent case that involved the haunting of a deserted mine, but CBoy got out the acrylics and got right to work.
What would my little Rembrant make? What fabulous masterpiece would be produced by my petite Picasso? My mind could ONLY IMAGINE....
It never imagined this.

Either I have a highly disturbed child, or he is a GENIUS who realizes at age eight that there is a huge market for really bizarre clown art.
I'm going to choose genius over disturbed...I think it's great...I bet most people (myself included) would not believe that a child painted that. It's awesome!
That painting is great! Wicked clown!
Clowns are evil. Clearly CBoy knows this. I will not be bidding on that painting because it freaks me the hell out. Although, it's very well done, so props for that.
But it's scary.
Clowns scare the crap out me! I have to admit he did a great job & if I wasnt afraid it would come alive & jump out of the painting at night while I slept, I'd totally buy it.
He is totally a genius!
He's going to make a fortune.
hmmm, considering how scared of clowns I am, this freaks me out! :)
But he's done a fantastic job! I bet someone would snatch that up in a heartbeat, too. But really, this will probably show up in my nightmares! :) So funny!
love the hair!
Oh, I love it. You made me laugh. Nice story. I will be following you.
Love it! My kids draw pics that I can't even talk about here. We wonder what their inspiration is, maybe South Park combined w/the news?
keep up the art w/the kids:)
Oh, my golly, I vote genius. How great is that?
ever since my DD was a tot, her favorite color has been cerulean blue. not just BLUE, but cerulean blue. bonus if it's cerulean blue with sparkles.
CBoy is really talented! i love the use of color. i am amazed at the complexity of his product. i hate clowns and this one looks like something that Heath Ledger might have used as inspiration for his role in Dark Knight, but really, he's good.
but you knew that already.
WV: i kid you not...it's "crated". which just is PROOF that this piece of art is going to be purchased, wrapped up and crated off to some illustrious gallery someday. Word Verification has spoken. So let it be done.
So when is/was the sale?
Seriously that is one freaky clown from one really creative kid!!
I've never seen Barbara Bush captured so perfectly.
WV: hoggen
v. - Cruising the bar for fat chicks.
I vote genius too. And of course it will sell like mad! It's a vampire clown and vampires are TOTALLY HOT right now.
I think...that he is .... a BOY boys always draw strange stuff. But he is talented. Clowns are scary ugg I moved this box to cover it up!
He recognizes depth. Otherwise you wouldn't see that white dash on the nose. I think there is talent all over this canvas.
I remember when we went to Battery Park we had someone do caricatures of us all. I can't believe how fast those people are. Well done, CBoy.
that could be me in the morning after a really great Saturday night...?
why are people afraid of clowns?
they have cool shoes and drive cute tiny cars. Just like Barbie.
wv: barstae
what you call a barfly but different
I just love so much about this post. You know I was the child who insisted that her 128 box of crayons never be used (the tips must remain flat) and always be in rainbow order.
Except the turquoise and the magenta who got to live side-by-side in their own corner because they looked so darn great together.
And that clown? Genius.
I especially like the way he made the nose look shiny with that little white paisley. Details are so important.
I think it's fantastic!
Clowns kinda/sorta creep me out so in my opinion..he nailed it right on the head. It's evil clown with a twist of happy brightness!
What do you do if your spawn are colorblind? My son already has the sequence of stoplights memorized--red on top. I'm voting your kiddo's a genius! : )
That is awesome! LOVE IT!
Your. Son. Rocks.
FYI: I received my mug in the mail yesterday & I LOVE IT!
Everyone who was around when I opened the package was so jealous ;)
Thank you!
well, art is very subjective. some people like Pollock & Francis Bacon, while others feel they are crap. Same with Monet & Van Gogh. All that said, I think that CBoy has mad skilz. But the clown creeps me out.
Although I think Ruby is right on the money -- vampires are so hot right now, this will sell for big bucks!
Vampire clown! -- is that a wiff of the new zeitgeist I smell?
Rad kiddo you have there!
Great work by your son :)
You taught him well!
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