Friday, April 26, 2013

Normal Kid, His Kid, MY Kid- Take Your Kid To Work Day 2013

Yesterday was sleep in a little and skip math Take Your Child To Work day. I take educating my chilluns for their future employment very very very seriously: they have known how to put ketchup on a hamburger bun since birth. Yesterday, I attempted to teach my son, Complicatedboy age 12, and my daughter, Banana age 9, along with a very nice neighborhor child, George age 12, how to be a designer like me. The lesson included everything from creating concepts for products, to pitching them to the Marketing Team, to working with the Graphic Arts Department. (I left out some of the other aspects of my job such as being yelled at by a superior and waiting on hold for half an hour for a meeting in which nothing important is discussed--because really, I don't want them to know How Much Fun I have on a daily basis.) I told them how giftware can solve all the world's problems keeping the recipient and the occasion in mind was the key to successful gift ware design. Here now...their designs.

First up- NORMAL KID. George does Disney.
This uber stylized modern mug is both playful and stylish- with bold pops of color and the iconic mickey symbol front an center. An added bonus is a "hidden mickey" in the bottom of the cup for those Disney fans who seek them out. Fantastic, fun and functional. Perhaps George will grow up and design giftware for theme parks or make movie merchandise.

Next up is HIS KID--meaning Sexyhusbandomine's offspring. Because clearly, when Complicatedboy set out to make a mug for teachers in America he was calling upon the shared experiences he and his father have had:

Complicatedboy does get extra points for the back design, which includes BRANDING. And the fact that the mug is for TEA and not coffee. OK, maybe he is my kid too.

Wait a second...where did he ever get the idea that when an adult says "Right after I finish this cup of tea" it means that it is NEVER GONNA HAPPEN?

So Moving Right Along... there is The Banana. Who was informed by Marketing that Pet Lovers are a lucrative segment. And relating cats to kids---genius!

But the true proof that she has my DNA?--the fact that she PUNNED on the back! She punned, and I just couldn't be prouder.

Oh wait- Yes I could. Because after we finished the design exercise The Banana asked if she could make something that SHE could really use. "Because I don't drink coffee," She explained. So I pointed her to the wall of plain white pottery forms--where she could make a bank, a heart shaped jewelry box, a figurine of a princess. And she made.....

That's my girl.


Metalicious said...

Love all of your kids, especially Kip.

ratty said...

OMG! this has been an EXCELLENT coffee drinking, coffee spitting, laughing hysterically at my computer moment ... thanks EVER so :) i saw you in a recent Etsy newsletter and ended up here, wasting time as i ignore MY Complicatedboy-man as he stomps around grumpily and cleans the catbox. because, as i stated this morning, i am NOT the catbox monitor. Complicatedboy's mug reminded me of those melamine Xmas plates they gave the kids at school to decorate as a Parental Xmas Gift. my then little ArtsyGirl drew a lovely family Xmas scene. my Annoying PreteenBoy drew a man being electrocuted as he plugged in the Xmas tree, oy. hasn't changed a bit..., death metal all the way. rock on, mom, rock on...
love the blog, love the mud, have a great day :)

Jen said...

Greatest kids and greatest mugs ever.

Melancholy and Menace said...

I love this post, it truly
made me laugh out loud!

Your kids are brilliant : )

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This concept is perhaps the most important of all. I have seen people spend thousands of dollars on weight loss programs only to abandon that effort just days into the program. They over-committed themselves and were not able to follow through. Every weight loss program has a few things in common. Each of these things will vary from program to program, but the basic components remain:
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james said...

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And yes you can add the much needed length and width you desire.
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james said...

Just about everyone experiences weight loss plateaus. If you have no idea what I'm talking about and are able to reach single-digit body fat percentages with complete ease, count yourself lucky. It's very common for people to hit several plateaus on their journeys to a six pack because, well, the human body is just stubborn when it comes to shedding fat.
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james said...

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james said...

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james said...

Be it going for a walk, running, swimming, biking, hiking, or any other physical activity you like to do start doing it now. Don't spend another night on the couch watching the latest re-runs. Get your body moving and start losing weight today.
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james said...

So, to overcome the "calorie creep," you simply have to know exactly what's going into your body every day. You can keep a food journal, or you can do what I do: calculate what you need each day, break it down into daily meals, and eat the same thing every day, every meal.
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james said...

If you don't know the answer to those questions, you have totally missed the point of this article and the lesson it's trying to teach you, and are set up for failure. Go back and read this section again...By default, diet B is superior.
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Exercise While You Diet: Weight misfortune is about lessening your caloric admission while you increment the calories you smolder. Eating less lessens your caloric admission however practicing helps you blaze more calories.
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Udenyca said...

Studies show that if you have diabetes, pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, your condition will probably improve if you lose about 10 percent of your body weight. Losing more weight than this doesn't seem to provide additional benefit, though it
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Harper said...

becoming physically fit. I have gone through these self-limiting emotions before. Once I realized that I was ALREADY ENOUGH in the eyes of God and that I had no need to prove myself to anyone or to receive external validation for my self-worth, that made all the difference for me. Once you accept yourself as who you are RIGHT NOW and realize that you
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james said...

I am not going to list all the benefits of regular exercise here, but regular exercise has positive effects on your metabolism, allows you to eat more calories yet still be in a calorie deficit, and can help preserve lean body mass (LBM) which is essential to your health and metabolism. The many health benefits of regular exercise are well known, so I won't bother
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Femara said...

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William said...

fat cells to release triglycerides, which is what makes fat cells fat. When they receive a signal from lipase to exit the fat cells, the triglycerides break-up into glycerol and fatty acids and then enter the bloodstream for use in your body. The process of breaking down triglycerides into reusable energy is called lipolysis which is shuffled and reshuffled to produce heat, water, carbon dioxide, and ATP. Since the fat tissue has lost some of its components, the cells shrink.

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james said...

A few specialists trust health food nuts have better control on the off chance that they eat a few smaller than expected suppers for the duration of the day. Exercise and an adjusted eating regimen are the key considers fat misfortune and weight decrease.
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