Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Goodbye Kelly, Hello Victoria

Sadly, we must bid adieu soon to Kelly Clark our amazing PR/Marketing head. Kelly has done a fabulous job in getting our stuff in ink--we jump up and clap our hands together and applaud her efforts!! Kelly leaves us to return to teaching. (Which is, of course, just flat out CRAZY, but who are we to judge?) So anyway, this CRAZY chick who is leaving PR to go to teaching is also an incredibly talented photographer. Perhaps she will Email me a link to her website so I can post it here. Anyhow, we will miss her very much but know we'll see her at shows and that we'll stay in touch- because in the end, you know you can take the girl out of the MUD but....

Taking Kelly's place will be Victoria Compton who is also an amazing fine artist and a Drew University Alumni like myself. We are very happy that she's joined our company and have been struggling to write a press sentence about just how happy we are for the last week or so. Over the moon. Jumping for joy. Like a pig in...well, anyhow we are really glad she has chosen to work for us and we look forward to getting to know her better. Kelly leaves big shoes to fill. My feeling is that Victoria may choose to kick the ball out of the park barefoot.

If anyone is reading this who owns, like, a National Magazine or say a television show, please Email Victoria at Victoria@ournameismud.com Or just say howdy and welcome. We're all family here.

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