Tuesday, September 04, 2007

First Day of Pre-K

My first day of BIG GIRL SCHOOL was not too bad. I was very upset when my mom woke me up this morning because I was under the impression that I would AUTOMATICALLY turn four on the first day of school. But I only cried hysterically for the first hour--I was pretty chill once I had my orange juice. Some mornings you just can't talk to me until I've had my first cup of oj.

I got a New Dress that had LETTERS! NUMBERS! APPLES! Mom got it at a fancy schmancy store called eeebayyy. Tomorrow I am going to ask if I can wear my new blue Dora nightgown.

I made New Friends! And a boy named Samuel kissed me on the nose when we went out to play so I have decided he is my new BEST friend, but this could change depending on if he will agree to be The Daddy tomorrow because today, right in the middle of a great game of house, he went and decided to play RiverBoat Captain, and I am just not having that. Everyone knows Moms are the boss.

We read a book and I had to sit criss cross applesauce on the carpet. Everytime the teacher asked a question I answered with my favorite word, which is "FLAMINGO". I must have called out "FLAMINGO" six or seven times and while it was never the correct answer, I could tell my new teacher appreciated my love of this animal, which happens to be PINK.

My name tag however, happened to be ORANGE, which was a bummer. Oh well-tomorrow is another day of this Pre-Kindergarten thing--and also--it MIGHT be my birthday.

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