I know-I know-- it seems like just this week were giving away dracula garlic jars and wicked mugs...wait: we were! But as promised- there will be a MUD giveaway EVERY Friday through December until your cabinets are bulging with pottery and you beg me to stop. This week we have 4 little owls to give away to 4 Followers. That's right people; winners will not be selected from comments this week--all Followers of this blog will be automatically entered-winner announced Sunday night. Because you should be rewarded for drinking the koolaid. And because I heart you internet friends, I really do.
Clever!!! A wicked good way to boost followers.
I'm envious.
I was a follower before following was cool.
*I* was a follower BEFORE Nadine. In fact, I BROUGHT Nadine. And we're the first commentors, so we should get Owls. Just saying.
I want to have a contest too, except, I don't think anyone wants piles of unfinished filing which is the only real product of my work.
So, I think I'm going to give away booze.
I say we all take Miss Thystle up on her booze giveaway. I bet the owl's eyes would follow us around the room after that.
Don't those gray-headed, alien followers kind of creep you out?
Yes! Hey grey headed anonymous people--get an avitar! It's starting to look like attack of the Star wars Clones in my followers section.
Those are so cute, I DIE.
OK...I'm off to figure out how to follow your blog.
Owls make me happy.
I thought you'd be better off with that little fact.
Choose wisely.
Now I have to check to make sure I'm a follower.
Oh what a sneaky way to boost your followers!
...wishing I had somethign cool to give away...
Those owls are so cute! So I am glad that I have had your link on my blog for sometime!
If we are boasting about how long people have been following you I would like to point out that I have been reading your blog since close to Day 1 (mostly silently).
Oh, I want those cute little owls! I could make outfits for them and take them everywhere with me instead of a purse dog.
I'm a follower and now I have a followers widget thingy on my blog, too. Come check it out and enter my contest, too (read shameless plug here).
Are you there Lorrie, it's me, Jennifer...
Please tell me I'm going to win and the Kool Aid was spiked with vodka.
I love the owls and I follow you! Thanks and cheers to you!
Hello dear one ... so cute these wee owlies ... my mum is a bit of an owl nutter so I would have to re-gift to her.
As for all of the above who claim they have nothing to give away - do what Lorrie does and re-gift a product line that is not moving - opps - just jokes Lorrie :) really am just joking :)
But seriously girls we all have something to give away - I don't like the word competition - sounds to er competitive ... I know of course Racie would have a comp - she is competitive.
But maybe a giveway would work for anyone else - give away a 6x8 of your own photographic work - heaps of you are great photographers, give away the sexy blouse you bought last summer that is two sizes too small and always was so has never been worn, give away grandma's china plate - that is now called shabby chic of course ... or your fav bottle of wine with a wee card saying why it is your fav ...
We can all be giveaway queens .... and it is such fun .... le xo
PS worse case giveaway a child - you can always get another one of those :) just jokes - ebay them instead.
Oh I just thought of another one for all us gay divorcees - give away the engagement ring ... now that is a goodie :) second place can have the wedding dress !! and the loser gets the ex hubbie ...
Stopping now.
whatever i was going to comment on has been superceded by own laughter over you sending a shout-out to the grey headed avatars. Oh, yeah - i remember - owls are big this year.
Consider me entered!
They are adorable!
i just put my little follower square on your deal, and I kind of like the witness protection program silhouette of me....
le, actually the owls are a new product that will be in stores this spring.
I heart you too.
Oh good thing you posted this, I thought you followed blogs just by posting a link but now it is fancier than that. Good thing I know now!!!
thanks for the heads up Kip - they are of course delightful :) and we are v lucky to be one of the first :)
me again - just been to read your blog Kip and I see you are blog-less .... are you per chance a co mudee with dearest Ms Lorrie ....or are you that sexy husband with his own user profile ... hmmm a masked crusader perhaps defending the the blogosphere from naughty little aussies .... anyways I hope I am forgiven :) le
i follow! these are sooo cute!
i am the sexy husband, and there is nothing to forgive you for. there was no defense, just clarity. Most of the things Lorrie gives away are prototypes of new lines or items that are current. We try to keep the smelly stuff hidden from the blogsphere.
I blog for love people!
I blog for love!
And that whole viral marketing thing?
Just icing on the cake.
Still heart you internet friends!
I want those owls!!! I would place them randomly and secretly around my house just to see how long it would take the husband to say "Where did this come from and how much money did you spend?" LOVE your blog and LOVE your stuff. I'm looking at my "happy campers" frame right now. Yay.
oh, I like kls's idea!
Oh, and you KNOW I follow you!
Soooo, it's Tuesday.
Did I somehow miss the announcement of the winners you picked on Sunday night?
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