Tuesday, March 07, 2006


So I wrote five paragraphs about Denitza and they were lost when our internet went down, so here goes again....Just know that the first blog was like, really extra funny and well written.

Anyhooo, I call Denitza: Den-i-ca, which I think is totally incorrect,and not even close to her name, but she has humored me for all these years. I think she would have let me call her Fred if it was all I could pronounce. Anyhow, she's from Bulgaria. Born on the coast of the Black Sea. She was raised on meatballs and beer. (Actually, she didn't say that. I just added it in. She talks like she was raised on the kind of meatballs they have at Ikea.)

Denica has more talent in her little finger than I have in my whole post-babies body. She is a gifted painter and artist and you can view her work at www.denitza-nyc.com

The story goes that she applied with us 3-4 times before we relented and hired her in 2000. We stuck her at a back table replicating city buildings all day long, and lo and behold if the girl didn't tweak and improve the design and make it what it is today. Before Denica arrived on the scene, the city buildings looked like they were drawn by a five year old~now just take a look at them! It's like when Tom Ford arrived at Gucci. She is amazing. I can sketch a really rough doodle on piece and tell her "I want a thingy here and a whatchamacallit here" and she does it. She can draw a bicycle in perspective, or a horse with its legs crossed eating a hotdog. Did I already say she is amazing?

And if that weren't enough to be so gifted, the girl eats chocolate EVERY DAY. I mean EVERY DAY, and NEVER GAINS A POUND. Damn her.

Anyway, she is a much loved and respected mudder. Despite the fact that she can fit in skinny jeans.

If you are an art lover with big bucks, or a gallery owner looking for the next hot artist, please post your contact info here.


Lorrie Veasey said...

Just so you know, everyone is getting blog entries instead of raises thsi year :)

Bridget Unnel said...

A horse with its legs crossed eating a hotdog? Can I get that on a mug? ;)

Lorrie Veasey said...

Sorry-it's a seasonal item ;)