Growing up, my dog was blamed for a lot of things that happened in my house, in particular; Missing shoes, odiferous emissions, and disappearing candy. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I figured out my dad was actually the one responsible for Two out of Three of those things. His weakness: Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. Every first November morning, our Halloween pillowcases would appear to have been rifled through, and nary an orange and brown wrapper was ever found. I don't know how he managed to convince us for so long that a Labrador Retriever could develop such a specific taste for a chocolate and peanut butter combo.
In honor of stolen Halloween candy-it's a Halloween Mud Giveaway. Here is the twist: if you win this giveaway you get TWO PRIZES so that YOU can offer a giveaway on your blog too!! In the comment section below, confess your sweetest temptation. What candy should you not ever be left alone in the house with? You can, of course, enter as many times as you wish.
You might win ONE of these wicked mugs:

AND ONE of these Dracula garlic Jars

And you get to keep whichever one you like and give the other away. Double your Pleasure Double Your Fun. Enter through midnight Tuesday October 21--winner announced Wednesday October 22.
So fuN!
I am like your dog/dad? I love the reeses peanut butter cups.
almond roca....and a dark closet
ANYTHING with caramel in it! Yum!
A three-way tie between Ferrero Rocher, Lindt and Godiva raspberry chocolate. If you look closely, you'll notice a common factor. I'll give you a hint: it starts with "choco" and ends with "late".
I love anything from the Smarties family, ooey gooey milk duds, licorice, Swedish fish, ooh, and Kit Kats. And good chocolate, like Dove... mmmm. We take a Communist family approach to Halloween candy. We all pool it and share equally. I'm more equal than my kids. How much longer do you think that will fly?
Baci (by Perugina) are in constant peril at my house. These little Italian chocolates with hazelnuts are my greatest weakness. I love them so much I did a pilgrimage to Perugia just because that's where they're made. (Granted, I was already in Italy--I didn't go there JUST for the Baci!). By the way where did you find that hysterical mug? I want one even if I don't win the prize!
6 Degrees
Okay...I should win just for sheer stupidity. You *made* it. Duh. I'll be over here in the corner.
How do I order one? ;-)
I think you're going to regret telling us we can enter as many times as we like cos I'm going to enter A LOT. I want one of those prizes Lorrie...
Here is my first sweet temptation: Peanut M&M's. I cannot be around these things because I will take a one pound bag and strap them on like a feed bag. This is not a joke. I inhale them then I walk around on a Peanut M&M high. It's not pretty.
I could quickly give myself diabetes if I was left alone in a room with a case of Krackel or Rolo. That garlic jar is ill.
you know what candy IS safe from me? BIT O HONEY. That stuff is gross. And Sugar Babies and aslo their Baby Daddies. I have pretty good teeth, no fillings, and I'm generally convinced I'm going to lose all of my teeth.
In my neighborhood you get lots of tamarindo candy. That tastes like ASS. And looks like ass. Sometimess they come on a plastic spoon. So you get a spoonful or orangishbrown paste that tastes like ass and you're supposed to be excited?
If I got a spoonful of something that looked and tasted/smelled like ass I'd hope it was, like, heroin or something.
My comment, as usual, has completely lost it's focus.
My biggest vice (next to Pinot Noir, that is) is Reese's Peanut Butter cups.
The mug makes me happy on the inside, btw.
I can eat Reeses butter cups all day.I have made myself sick off of them.It's an addiction!
I shouldn't enter, because I'm not sure how I would decide witch (har har) to give away.
I'll steal Reese's any day but, depending on my mood, I might dig for just about anything.
If my girls come home with any Mounds bars, they will immediately become mine. They stole my bag of mini Mounds a few weeks ago, the rotten snots.
I try really hard not to steal my kids candy, but it's really hard not to, especially the chocolate.
Your dad, me and my hubby would be duking it out over the Reese's. I might be small, but don't even think about LOOKING at my Reese's! Both the mug and garlic pot are amazing - beautiful work!
guill888 at yahoo dot com
It's gotta be the peanut BUTTER m&m's. Luckily they aren't easy to find.
I am SO not going trick of treating in Thystle's neighborhood.
Now, if anyone I know happens to read this, they will finally know what happened to all the Tootsie Rolls in their Hallowe'en bags!
Gosh just to name one. LOL. I have found that my weakness is Lyndt Chocolates. They cost waaaay to much so it's a real treat when I do buy them.
Haha! Probably M & M's! I'll probably eat the whole packet finish in less than an hour! :P
I'll think it'll be Hersey's chocolates... They're so irresistible!
Hui Shan
These are fabulous! I love them!
Chocolate of course!
Chocolate of course!
Stealing candy was easier before my kids could count. Think about it, they trick or treat in the dark and their bags are full - that's all they care about.
Now, they count and sort and count again and then try to find a hiding place so Dad won't find it. (They're convinced I'm an ally - hah!)
MY Halloween candy weakness always has been reeses pb cups. Absolutely.
My new fav, "hold me back, I can't stop"?
Definitely the Snicker's Rockin Nut Road. It's dark chocolate with almonds and marshmellow and caamel.
OhMyGod, I feel flushed just thinking about them!
Oh, and I never could pass up Cadbury's fruit and nut bars.
Oh, and something called white trash or something like that.
It's mini pretzels dipped in white chocolate and usually mixed with nuts and/or raisins. YUM!
I guess, all in all, I don't have much self-control, if any, around chocolate.
Almond joy. Definitely almond joy.
Oh, and Reeses pieces. They just melt in your mouth.
And Halloween is definitely more fun than Easter - the candy is waaay better. Except those little malted speckled eggs are pretty darn good.
I'm staying away from Thystle's neighborhood.
Even if I would like to meet her.
And I don't even know what that Tamarindo crap is.
Lorrie - have you Twittered today?
You can find me at twitter.com/kwr221
Don't let me near Twix. They're a dangerous thing for me. Especially the peanut butter one, as peanut butter is a serious soft spot for me and probably always will be! Guilty addiction? Hell no, I'm well aware I like it too much and I'm proud of it. :D
Another sweet temptation of mine...chocolate covered pretzels. They're crunchy, sweet and salty at all the same time. What's not to like about that combination?
See's candy. Although I can't really stay away from it because my sweet husband keeps me very well supplied! Now that's love.
Adorable Halloween stuff, Lorrie!
Have I told you lately how awesome I think you are? I LOVE the wonderful comments that you leave for me on my blog. You make me smile.
all the chocolate.
when my oldest was very little I took most of her candy into work so I would not eat it (I also did not want her eating all of it). Of course I ate a bunch on the way to work though as I was pregnant and had no self control. When I dropped it off one of the girls asked "where is all of the good candy?".
Chocolate turtles - OMG I love them.
Oops forgot to leave my name with the turtles.
I love Snickers. When my son was little, I would grab one from his pumpkin bucket, lock myself in the bathroom and eat it real quick!
My wedding anniversary is Oct. 30th. Every anniversary is spent schlepping around with the trick or treaters. I appease myself by sampling the candy for pins, razors or poisons later on.
I'm a huge vamp fan so of course I love the garlic jar!
I should never be left alone with chocolate covered raisins I can eat a whole bag in one sitting! I mean a BIG bag!!
These two are adorable. I think the saying on the mug is adorable!! Garlic is a staple in our house,vampires or not:)
Unfortunetly i dont have a sweet tooth. I might be weird but i always enjoyed little things like plastic spider rings and temporary tattoos.Also little bags of peanuts and pretzels are great too!
hmm depends on mood but good candy is good candy..reeses...heath..almond joy yummo
alright then ... home made choc fudge - the chalky kind - not the soft guey one - the harder one that just says SUGAR all over it ...
and russian caramels ... home made
failing home made - milk chocolate - any time any place any brand - I'm your girl ...
thanks Lorrie - le xo
ps loving the mug - that tag line could apply to kids ... yes ??
Gummi bears!
Gummi bears!
Peanut butter cups
Did I mention gummy bears?
And not just ANY gummi bears Haribo.. the original!! not these american chewy ones yuck!
Buterfingers :)
Ok ... Im starting to feel like a pig lol any candy is in trouble alone with me :)
Nutrageous. Can't handle myself around them.
That must be a dad thing....part of the job. Shelter, provide, fart, and steal the good Halloween candy becuz mine did it too!!
Reese's peanut butter cups the best in my book.
Yummm-oo! I love it!!! cyndismith@bellsouth.net
Am I eligible to win since I don't have a blog? In case I am eligible, the answer is chocolate.
More chocolate!
Yet more chocolate!
My kids go out early so that when they get home we can remove all the Reeses and give them to the later kids. Nobody want to eat them here.
Chocolate and red wine go well together.
What a fun giveaway! I would love to win one of these fabulous prizes and share the other on my blog. :)
Wow, which candy should I never be left alone with? I'm a sucker for anything chocolate, honestly. I love Milky Way bars.
fwuffles AT jaided.com
Or Twix bars, I love those too.
Thank you so much for the chance!
fwuffles AT jaided.com
Or Mars bars....
fwuffles AT jaided.com
Or just plain Hershey's chocolate bars...
fwuffles AT jaided.com
Or Hershey's Cookies & Cream bars....
fwuffles AT jaided.com
Or M&Ms....
fwuffles AT jaided.com
Or Almond Snickers....
fwuffles AT jaided.com
Or Hershey's Chocolate With Almonds...
fwuffles AT jaided.com
Or Almond M&Ms, I'm good with Almonds in general.
fwuffles AT jaided.com
Tootsie Rolls are good too.
fwuffles AT jaided.com
Swedish Fish and Twix ........Yummm-oo! I love sweets !!! cyndismith@bellsouth.net
Reeses Pieces b y far for my temptation and something you should never leave me alone with. I will eat the whole bag in one day.
At the movies: Goobers and Raisonettes. Together. By the handful.
Oh, my.
Chunky. Remember them? Awesome chocolate blocks with raisins in them?
Oooooh, s goooood.
I can not be left alone with Lindt White Choclate Truffles. My goodness they are som rich and creamy. A very bad and tempting item.
Almond Joys!
M & M'S!
Hershey's Chocolate bars!
Ooooh...Mounds! With all the dark chocolate nibbled off first, and the coconut gooey left for last. Yeah, I play with my food!
A big box of slightly imperfect "oops" Russel Stover chocolates. They are just so cheap, and I could eat about a hundred of the chewy ones!
You know another Halloween candy I love? Junior mints. MMMM!
fwuffles AT jaided.com
But if I can't have chocolate, I love licorice too.
fwuffles AT jaided.com
Like Twizzlers. Twizzlers are great!
fwuffles AT jaided.com
reese's pieces
caramel cake, love it!
ddurance - do they give out caramel cakes in Halloween bags in your neighborhood? If so, I might have to come visit, if not, well, then, pick a candy that you might steal from your kids' Trick or Treat bag! ;-)
Did I mention peanut m&m's? Because I TOTALLY can't be trusted around them.
And almond m&m's. Really, I'd steal them in a heartbeat.
Aparently, I can't be trusted around my kids' T or T bags AT ALL.
No wonder they hide them.
Except the Starbursts are safe around me. I won't touch them. Or Smarties.
Already so many comments here! I would have to say that I have a weakness for the peanut butter cups as well. I would say nutella is my biggest weakness, but since it is technically not a candy, the peanut butter cups will be my pick! What a great giveaway and a fun idea for the winner to have a giveaway too!
threadbeaur [at] yahoo dot come
reeses peanut butter cups
are never safe at my house.
Thanks for giveaway. Tim
Rice krispy treats -- I have a love/hate relationship with them. Cannot resist.
I absolutely love white Lindt truffles. They're amazingly rich, creamy, and wonderful! I have to have my husband hide the bag and give me a daily allowance of chocolates or I'll eat the whole bag in a day!
Caramel apples are pretty hard to leave alone too! I particulary like your mug warning not to summon anything you can't banish. It reminds me of my favorite Katie McAllister books!
ok, here goes for me. don't ever leave me home alone with twix bars!
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
Crunchie, the honeycomb choc bar.
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
snickers bar
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
there is a new one out called Dark Chocolate Mars and it is to DIE for!
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
also tootsie rolls.
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
reese's crunchy peanut butter cups.
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
peanut m&ms!
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
The wicked Halloween gremlin and I love those little "witches teeth" candies that are white, yellow and orange triangle shaped..... which are magical and poof into the air, you know, if you look away for a moment.
What's new witch you?
cordial cherries... yummm!
Eating the kids' Halloween candy. . .after we've put them to bed.
I bought a jar of nutella on Saturday and a package of graham crackers to go with it. OMG, goodness!
Fudge covered Oreos. Have you ever had them? They're like an orgasm in a box. They're that good.
Ever the optimist, I am entering your newest contest, Lorrie, and will hope that this time I come up a WINNA!
To be honest, I don't have much of a sweet tooth and can resist just about anything in the dessert/sweetie catagory. But I do have one temptation in my household that I absolutely cannot resist and don't even want to try to: PACO!
Oh, that Racie Lover still acts like a newlywed!!
In my house, it's tough to resist the following (in no particular order): Reese's PB Cups, Almond Joy, Peanut M&Ms & English Cadbury Fruit & Nut.
Love the little garlic guy -- very clever!
Oh, I love the mug and the jar! I will give one of them away...to myself!
I heart Peanut Butter M&M's and Snickers. Like in a very unhealthy way.
And I forgot about Butterfingers!
Those go great with a nice Syrah.
And if I win, I pledge the garlic jar to Kreg.
Mallowmars! I love Mallowmars so much and we can't always get them here in CA!
Mallowmars! I love Mallowmars so much and we can't always get them here in CA!
either we are a serious bunch of chocoholics or we're all desperate to win your awesome mug!
nutrageous are pretty irresistable, too!
Hey, my car was repossessed on Thursday night. I could use something fun and cool like these things. Talk about cheering up; having someone threaten to suck my blood on a daily basis usually does it for me. :D
I also forgot that I am rather fond of Zero bars. Not sure why, but they're addictive.
Lorrie - your Google stats must be rockin'!
You know, like those fantabulous dark chocolate Snicker's Rockin' Nut Road candy bars that are my new crack.
Can we really enter as many times as we want? Rare! I love BIG HUNK! I'm pretty sure it's specifically made for teeth pulling.
Just caught this one in time! OK lets see.... I have to ponder for a bit since anything brown (oh and sweet...) wins my heart.
Sea-foam is my choice. Mega yum. I am crossing my fingers!!!
I like Dove chocolate and reeses cups :D I can't buy the bags because before I know it the whole thing is gone!
I choose Miss Thistle as the winner - someone needs to slip her a Heath Bar and a cup of Salada tea, skim milk, no sugar. There;s no ASS anywhere near that delightful combination.
The commenter above me mentioned Heath bars. How could I forget about Heath bars?! Ooh how I love them. Do they come in a fun sized version?
fwuffles AT jaided.com
Right now, I have a bunch of Lindt chocolate bars in my cupboard. This is DANGEROUS. I've been munching away on the dark chocolate with Orange.
fwuffles AT jaided.com
And as if 20+ bars of chocolate in the cupboard weren't enough, a friend gave me a big bag of candy the other day. I discovered that Hershey's kisses come in white chocolate!! I'm in love!!
fwuffles AT jaided.com
But plain Hershey's kisses are good, too!
fwuffles AT jaided.com
And Rolos! I love me some Rolos.
fwuffles AT jaided.com
Oh, and Kit-Kats! Yum!
You know, all this chocolate talk has got my sweet tooth hungry. I think I'm going to go raid some of that Lindt now.
fwuffles AT jaided.com
Oreos and milk. Yum.
I can't be left alone with miniture Reeses Peanut Butter cups.
big hunk and sea-foam, must be an Aussie candy? Never heard of them and that's RARE.
hershey kisses with almonds/
can't be trusted.
hershey kisses with caramel.
Oh, my.
Tootsie Rolls. And then they came out with the fruity ones and oh did I ever like those. Better than Starburst! And Tootsie Pops because you get a tootsie roll after all that hard work licking ;)
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