Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Last Post about Fall Preview

Ok-so since we are working backwards here--and what you will read as my FIRST blog will actual be the last thing I wrote for the day (so there will be two blogs after this that will be about the preview)-- I do want to say that while FALL '07 is CHOCKABLOCK FULL of really fabulous product, that I'll stop the blog posts about each item HERE if you will kindly suggest blog posts in the comments section below.

I promise to blog about ANY SUBJECT. Well...erm...ANY SUBJECT FIT FOR GENERAL VIEWING. Or, rather...ANY SUBJECT I CAN THINK OF SOMETHING MILDLY AMUSING TO SAY SOMETHING ABOUT. So go ahead, all NINE of you; put your thinking caps on.


Lorrie Veasey said...

Well. Hmmm. That was an effective post-wasn't it? When the lot of you have recovered from your vicious hangovers, please do post here.

Kip said...

Why can children swim for hours in 60 degree ocean water, and when I go in up to my knees I want to throw up?

Peedles said...

I, too, have been in an unblog-o-liscous state of mind. Sometimes life needs to be LIVED not BLOGGED....yeah yeah....I know you see through it....it really means I have a new man and something more fun to do....

Rose said...

What song is your child singing right now in public?

My almost-2 yr old niece dances to Akon's "Smack That" and smacks her bum...in the middle of the store, the park, day care, anywhere...