Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 11, 2008.

This is a short film we made as a tribute to the events of seven years ago. Some of the images in the film come from a memorial we started called TILES FOR AMERICA, which started as a small collection of ceramic angels and grew to encompass several thousand tiles and cover half a city block thanks to the participation of people all over the world who had something to say.

I know that the clouds must clear
I know that the sun will shine


Fe said...

Thinking of everyone affected by this traumatic event on this sad sad day. xx

Blue said...

Thanks Lorri for honoring the memories of this day. As a flight attendant based in New York City I had JUST returned home a few short hours before this whole tragedy took place. I have so many crazy feelings about all of it, and the way it has affected my career, my friends at work and the whole travel industry. To say nothing of the disastrous war and countless lives that have been lost in the intervening 7 years because of the events of that day.

Anyone else think we should make 9/11 a national holiday for peace?

Mrs. B. Roth said...

9-11 is such a powerful memory; it feels so personal and so universal all at the same time.

I need a hug.

Spatula said...

Thanks for posting that, Lorrie. Such a hard anniversary for so many people, and such a senseless tragedy. If there is a God, she shook her head at that one.

Jen said...

Lorrie...that brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful and moving memorial.

kristin said...

Beautiful slide show.

Miss Thystle said...

That was beautiful!

K.Pete said...

I'm so happy to see that your readers are happy for your tribute!!! I only got two comments on MY 9/11 post and both were anti-America. Oh so sad.

Bj in Dallas said...

Wonderful video- thanks for sharing with all of us and hugs to you New Yorkers-
I agree with Blue, should be a National Holiday of Peace-

Racie Lover said...

"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire. Neither the sudden shock of battle nor the long-drawn trials of vigilance and exertion will wear us down. Give us the tools and we will finish the job.

Sir Winston Churchill, 1941

TJ said...

That brought me right back to my couch, holding my little one month old, staring at the tv, sobbing.
I agree that it should be a national holiday.

Anonymous said...

simply lovely.

Hearts break and tears of sorrow flow for those lost, and for what will never be. But hearts swell and tears of joy flow for what we can become and what is yet to be.

Pray for Peace Always

Shonda Little said...

Beautiful indeed.

Katie said...

Beautiful post. That was a very moving song as well. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Did you see the clouds today? Did you see the sun break through? Did you feel the restless wind?

Each year, I miss Sean. Not just on this day but on many throughout the year. It's just that this day ... well, this is the day. It aches a little more but at some point during the day I find him in my favorite memories and I feel some comfort and I remember his laugh and I hear his voice - I haven't lost that - and I find peace. I stop thinking about how we searched for him and stop wondering about the moment all those years ago when my hope turned to the crushing realization that he was gone and I just find a moment a peace. Each year it grows a little more inside of me and I find a little more room to embrace all there is to this life...the good and the bad.

Thank you for the Tiles for America, for the angels and for this video. Thanks for remembering and always honoring is such a beautiful way. You have no idea what it means to me.

My love to you and your family

ZDub said...

That breaks my heart all over again.

Anonymous said...


Just came on to catch up with your life and saw this - I have chills. And now I am very proud to be a ceramic angel. Lets get together soon.
