Here's how we're gonna mix up today's Giveaway:
You enter the giveaway by suggesting a BLOG TOPIC of your choice in the comments section below.
Hooray: you can enter as many times as you wish--but one topic per entry.
Winner chosen at random on Monday morning at 9 am at which point I will post the winning blog topic.
Blog about the chosen topic, and best blog wins an honest to goodness Bad Ass Blog Trophy.
For those of you half in the box, Let's review shall we?
To win this lovely handpainted goblet from leave a blog topic suggestion in the comments field below.

Eneter as many times as you wish-different blog topic suggestion each time.
At 9:00 on Monday EST, I will announce the winner and THE TOPIC OF THE DAY. You'll leave a comment if you choose to blog about it. Best blog post (in my humblest of opinions) will win this fabulous trophy:

Except, of course, it will be inscribed with your blog url and your name. You'll have ALL DAY MONDAY to be brilliant, cuz i won't pick a winner until next Tuesday morning.
And there you have it; something to look forward to at the end of this wonderful weekend. Who needs MoJo when you have stuff?
Cats! I like the discussion and contemplation of cats! Tell us about your cat(s). That's my topic suggestion. It's not deep and I don't care.
Christmas sweaters and a giveaway, all on the same day! I'm impressed. What about anonymous criticism for a topic?
hmm, a topic,
what about the upcoming year! and how many giveaways u will have!
lynda in calif
When you leave the topic this open, it is so hard to choose! Let's blog don'ts. That sounds like fun.
hello lorrie ... how about explaining to my five year old why you have a dog in a hot dog bun on your site .... he is most concerned !!
shame on me for reading blogs instead of playin' with the children ....
How about something along the lines of New Year's Resoultions:The ins and outs and why they never work ????
Or maybe... hmmmm
Crazy People and Christmas mayham: Why you should never leave the house to go shopping
OK those are all I got :)
Chrismakuh- The holiday for all the half-breeds out there like me!
DIY oven ceramics- spread a little MUD around :)
Men....and how we can really love them yet want to smother them in their sleep, sometimes within 1/2 hour of each other. I would love to hear worst husband/man moments.
I was thinking worst Christmas presents ever. Like the mismatched silver spoons tied up with used ribbon and handed to me like it was the friggin Jewels from the tower of London. But it was from Aunt R, Super D's sister, and the one I said I needed therapy over.
The one with cankles and a skirt.
The one that told me I had never looked worse. Maybe it wasn't the gift I"M ANGRY about. She makes me swear.
I know even better, what would you REALLY like to give someone for Christmas.....good or bad, like an old sucky boss (flaming bag of dog poo on his porch) or a random person (my neighbor a yard makeover)...
man, I could think of a million of these,,,,
Ooohh... I really like OHN's idea about men, but instead of our hubby's worst/bad moments, how about their SWEETEST moments when they totally surprised you?
Here's another one: Since 'tis the season that we all are going to holiday parties for work, etc., how about the WORST holiday party experience ever.
Here's a topic for you: Your most unrealistic Christmas wish. Something you would love to get as a gift but never would for obvious reasons. I would love to see what people would come up with...
Re-gifting - a do or a don't?
Bath towels- reuse or wash?
In defense of fruit cake
best and worst of Christmas songs and movies
weird holiday foods
holiday family traditions
KWR, are you DONE? watch out you will be labeled VERBOSE...
I think another good one right up there with regifting and fruitcake would be how many different names we have for our ya-ya's.......
but the corporate people may not like that one. They are no fun.
Last one until I think of another.
You know how we make a sentence up using the word verfication word over at Shindig??
Well, turn it on on your blog, and the funniest use of the word will win! and they will all be different!!
Brilliant, I know. You're welcome. Must go now and sing and knit
BJ - I've been called worse.
And how come I'm always left out of the reindeer games? No one ever played word verification with me. :::sniff:::
Here's my topic - What's your favorite Christmas carol and why?
What's your favorite Christmas movie and why?
Your best Christmas Recipe?
BJ stole my answer of "Worst Gift EVAH!" So I instead would like to hear your thoughts on funniest holiday memory, you know like that time Aunt Bethany wrapped up her cat! And then cousin eddie kidnapped dad's boss and there was a squierell in our tree. You really rocked a beret that year.
A final, clear and logical reason why I should care where the toilet seat is when you go in the bathroom, and wether women really cannot accept this personal responsibility for their own bathroom usage.
BJ - I love ya, but I don't want to know what you call your ya-ya (which I never even heard of)
Craziest thing you've ever done to get the attention of the opposite sex.
Worst meal you've ever cooked.
Most embarrassing moment of your life.
The nastiest thing that has ever come out of your body.
The drunkest you've ever been.
Things you would launch from a catapult.
Things you would try if you were Superman/Superwoman.
X- nay on the last one Kreg,m thats a guy topic only (I hope)
plus many of us have had children and its beautiful but not pretty...
come on KWR, you know you name those things, and everyone has a different name, as in va-jay-jay?
Youthful indiscretions that border on criminal.
meant the nastiest thing out of your body- you were still catapulting....
Your least favorite X-mas/Holiday song.
Weirdest/creepiest person you still consider a friend.
Things to which you are allergic (physical or metaphorical).
Worst mixed drink on the planet.
Jelly bean flavors that don't exist but should.
Worst place to take a date.
Dream job.
Where we carry celulite and why it should be considered beautiful.
What you would do if someone gave you $100K and told you it needed to be spent in one week.
If you woke up tomorrow and found you were living in a world without electricity, how would you cope? My family just fricken moves in with me and then shushes me in the morning when I make too much noise. F that.
e-harmony asks what are the five top things you can't "live" without. Not people. Things.
The worst thing you've ever done that you've learned to live with and are not ashamed to tell everyone about. If circumstances were the same, would you do it again?
When is it ok to pick your nose in public?
Super cheap crafting ideas for fun and gifts.
How about: Christmas traditions that aren't really traditions, but more like a pain in the ass! Like trying to sneak into your child's room to put a stocking on the bed without being caught... Or Betty Crocker butter streusel coffee cakes that are so hard to find in the grocery stores these days... Or CRANBERRY JUNK!!
Christmas Day gift reactions. Like my one daughter has an unusual way of saying thanx. It comes out of her mouth like: Is that all! Man I hate that.
Favorite 'I'M GOING TO HAVE TO BLOCK YOU' commercial that hasn't been made yet.
Topic ~ Worst presents ever or worst products to give
OK, the competition is killing me, so I'm thinking a good topic is The Most Competitive Experience you've had - and I know that will bring back some memories.... ;)
In order to give someone else what they need, you have to give up the material possesion you most love.
What would that possession be?
Who would you give it up for?
What would they have to need?
How long did it take you to know that your significant other was the One?
This is really just for the women: Do you get up before your kids on Christmas morning and do you hair and make up so you look human, or do you just roll out of bed in all your natural glory and say to hell with it?
63 COMMENTS!!! Gurl you are going to have to rename your blog
like Dooce, but one more.
Or Quatro. Or Whatro...
you will have Tres Difficulto Timo la de selectione. ha
Dysfunctional family Christmas celebrations
Specific words that make you want to throw up or gag. (my word is moist)
Lorrie, you are so badass.
Horrible workplace experiences.
Annoying co-worker habits (if you don't have a job, you can list annoying habits of family members or friends but they have to be REALLY bad).
Most embarrassing outdoor experiences (slipped on ice at your winter wedding, etc - SERIOUSLY embarrassing).
Absolute worst gift you have ever been given or have given to someone else (obviously you can pick either).
Worst thing you have ever caught in your child's mouth (if you don't have children, then use your own parents when they were little, your siblings, nieces/nephews, kids you babysat, or stories from your own youth passed on by your obviously loving and considerate parents who would NEVER blackmail you, right?).
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